Source code for

import requests
from typing import Dict
from pathlib import Path
from import ToolBase
from import Parameter

[docs] class DownloadPDFTool(ToolBase): def __init__(self): parameters = [ Parameter( name="url", type="string", description="The URL of the PDF file to download", required=True ), Parameter( name="destination", type="string", description="The path where the PDF file will be saved", required=True ) ] super().__init__(name="DownloadPDFTool", description="Downloads a PDF from a specified URL and saves it to a specified path.", parameters=parameters) def __call__(self, url: str, destination: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Download the PDF from the specified URL and saves it to the given destination path. Parameters: - url (str): The URL from where to download the PDF. - destination (str): The local file path where the PDF should be saved. Returns: - Dict[str, str]: A dictionary containing the result message and the destination path. """ try: # Send a GET request to the specified URL response = requests.get(url, stream=True) # Raise an HTTPError if the status code is not 200 (OK) response.raise_for_status() # Ensure destination directory exists Path(destination).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Open a file at the specified destination path and write the content of the response to it with open(Path(destination), 'wb') as file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): file.write(chunk) return { "message": "PDF downloaded successfully.", "destination": destination } except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: # Handle requests-related errors return {"error": f"Failed to download PDF: {e}"} except IOError as e: # Handle file I/O errors return {"error": f"Failed to save PDF: {e}"}