Source code for swarmauri.core.agent_factories.IAgentFactory

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Type, Any
from datetime import datetime

[docs] class IAgentFactory(ABC): """ Interface for Agent Factories, extended to include properties like ID, name, type, creation date, and last modification date. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_agent(self, agent_type: str, **kwargs) -> Any: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def register_agent(self, agent_type: str, constructor: Type[Any]) -> None: pass
# Abstract properties and setters @property @abstractmethod def id(self) -> str: """Unique identifier for the factory instance.""" pass @id.setter @abstractmethod def id(self, value: str) -> None: pass @property @abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: """Name of the factory.""" pass @name.setter @abstractmethod def name(self, value: str) -> None: pass @property @abstractmethod def type(self) -> str: """Type of agents this factory produces.""" pass @type.setter @abstractmethod def type(self, value: str) -> None: pass @property @abstractmethod def date_created(self) -> datetime: """The creation date of the factory instance.""" pass @property @abstractmethod def last_modified(self) -> datetime: """Date when the factory was last modified.""" pass @last_modified.setter @abstractmethod def last_modified(self, value: datetime) -> None: pass def __hash__(self): """ The __hash__ method allows objects of this class to be used in sets and as dictionary keys. __hash__ should return an integer and be defined based on immutable properties. This is generally implemented directly in concrete classes rather than in the interface, but it's declared here to indicate that implementing classes must provide it. """ pass