Source code for swarmauri.experimental.RemoteUniversalBase

import requests
import hashlib
from functools import wraps
from uuid import uuid4
import inspect

[docs] def remote_local_transport(cls): original_init = cls.__init__ def init_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): host = kwargs.pop('host', None) resource = kwargs.get('resource', cls.__name__) owner = kwargs.get('owner') name = kwargs.get('name') id = kwargs.get('id') #path = kwargs.get('path') if host: #self.is_remote = True = host self.resource = resource self.owner = owner = id #self.path = path url = f"{host}/{owner}/{resource}/{id}" data = {"class_name": cls.__name__, "owner": owner, "name": name, **kwargs} response =, json=data) if not response.ok: raise Exception(f"Failed to initialize remote {cls.__name__}: {response.text}") else: original_init(self, owner, name, **kwargs) # Ensure proper passing of positional arguments setattr(cls, '__init__', init_wrapper) for attr_name, attr_value in cls.__dict__.items(): if callable(attr_value) and not attr_name.startswith("_"): setattr(cls, attr_name, method_wrapper(attr_value)) elif isinstance(attr_value, property): prop_get = attr_value.fget and method_wrapper(attr_value.fget) prop_set = attr_value.fset and method_wrapper(attr_value.fset) prop_del = attr_value.fdel and method_wrapper(attr_value.fdel) setattr(cls, attr_name, property(prop_get, prop_set, prop_del, attr_value.__doc__)) return cls
[docs] def method_wrapper(method): @wraps(method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] if getattr(self, 'host'): print('[x] Executing remote call...') url = f"{self.path}".lower() response =, json={"args": args[1:], "kwargs": kwargs}) if response.ok: return response.json() else: raise Exception(f"Remote method call failed: {response.text}") else: return method(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] class RemoteLocalMeta(type): def __new__(metacls, name, bases, class_dict): cls = super().__new__(metacls, name, bases, class_dict) if bases: # This prevents BaseComponent itself from being decorated cls = remote_local_transport(cls) cls.class_hash = cls._calculate_class_hash() return cls def _calculate_class_hash(cls): sig_hash = hashlib.sha256() for attr_name, attr_value in cls.__dict__.items(): if callable(attr_value) and not attr_name.startswith("_"): sig = inspect.signature(attr_value) sig_hash.update(str(sig).encode()) return sig_hash.hexdigest()
[docs] class BaseComponent(metaclass=RemoteLocalMeta): version = "1.0.0" # Semantic versioning initialized here def __init__(self, owner, name, host=None, members=[], resource=None): = uuid4() self.owner = owner = name = host #self.is_remote = bool( self.members = members self.resource = resource if resource else self.__class__.__name__ self.path = f"{ if else ''}/{self.owner}/{self.resource}/{}" @property def is_remote(self): return bool(
[docs] @classmethod def public_interfaces(cls): methods = [] for attr_name in dir(cls): # Retrieve the attribute attr_value = getattr(cls, attr_name) # Check if it's callable or a property and not a private method if (callable(attr_value) and not attr_name.startswith("_")) or isinstance(attr_value, property): methods.append(attr_name) return methods
[docs] @classmethod def is_method_registered(cls, method_name): """ Checks if a public method with the given name is registered on the class. Args: method_name (str): The name of the method to check. Returns: bool: True if the method is registered, False otherwise. """ return method_name in cls.public_interfaces()
[docs] @classmethod def method_with_signature(cls, input_signature): """ Checks if there is a method with the given signature available in the class. Args: input_signature (str): The string representation of the method signature to check. Returns: bool: True if a method with the input signature exists, False otherwise. """ for method_name in cls.public_interfaces(): method = getattr(cls, method_name) if callable(method): sig = str(inspect.signature(method)) if sig == input_signature: return True return False