Source code for swarmauri.experimental.utils.save_schema

import inspect
import random

[docs] class Storage: def __init__(self): self.logs = []
[docs] def log(self, log_data): self.logs.append(log_data)
[docs] def print_logs(self): for log in self.logs: print(log)
[docs] class Loggable: def __init__(self, name, storage): = name = storage
[docs] def log_call(self, *args, **kwargs): # Inspect the call stack to get the caller's details caller_frame = inspect.stack()[2] caller_name = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name #caller_name = caller_frame.function module = inspect.getmodule(caller_frame[0]) module_name = module.__name__ if module else 'N/A' # Log all relevant details log_data = { 'caller_name': caller_name, 'module_name': module_name, 'called_name':, 'called_function': caller_frame[3], # The function in which log_call was invoked 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs }
[docs] class Caller(Loggable): def __init__(self, name, storage, others): super().__init__(name, storage) self.others = others def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(<10: self.log_call(*args, **kwargs) # Randomly call another without causing recursive calls if args: # Ensures it's not the first call without actual target next_caller_name = random.choice([name for name in self.others if name !=]) self.others[next_caller_name](
# Initialize storage and callers storage = Storage() others = {} # Creating callers alice = Caller('Alice', storage, others) bob = Caller('Bob', storage, others) charlie = Caller('Charlie', storage, others) dan = Caller('Dan', storage, others) others['Alice'] = alice others['Bob'] = bob others['Charlie'] = charlie others['Dan'] = dan # Simulate the calls dan(1, taco=23) # Print the logs storage.print_logs()