Source code for swarmauri.standard.exceptions.concrete.IndexErrorWithContext

import inspect

[docs] class IndexErrorWithContext(Exception): def __init__(self, original_exception): self.original_exception = original_exception self.stack_info = inspect.stack() self.handle_error()
[docs] def handle_error(self): # You might want to log this information or handle it differently depending on your application's needs frame = self.stack_info[1] # Assuming the IndexError occurs one level up from where it's caught error_details = { "message": str(self.original_exception), "function": frame.function, "file": frame.filename, "line": frame.lineno, "code_context": ''.join(frame.code_context).strip() if frame.code_context else "No context available" } print("IndexError occurred with detailed context:") for key, value in error_details.items(): print(f"{key.capitalize()}: {value}")