Source code for swarmauri.standard.tracing.concrete.ChainTracer

from swarmauri.core.tracing.IChainTracer import IChainTracer
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Dict, Any   
[docs] class ChainTracer(IChainTracer): def __init__(self): self.traces = []
[docs] def process_chain(self, chain: List[Tuple[Callable[..., Any], List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]]) -> "ChainTracer": """ Processes each item in the operation chain by executing the specified external function with its args and kwargs. Logs starting, annotating, and ending the trace based on tuple position. Args: chain (List[Tuple[Callable[..., Any], List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]]): A list where each tuple contains: - An external function to execute. - A list of positional arguments for the function. - A dictionary of keyword arguments for the function. """ for i, (func, args, kwargs) in enumerate(chain): # Infer operation type and log if i == 0: operation = "Start" self.start_trace(*args, **kwargs) elif i == len(chain) - 1: operation = "End" self.end_trace(*args, **kwargs) else: operation = "Annotate" self.annotate_trace(*args, **kwargs) # For the actual external function call result = func(*args, **kwargs) print(f"Function '{func.__name__}' executed with result: {result}") self.traces.append((operation, func, args, kwargs, result)) return self
[docs] def start_trace(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: print(f"Starting trace with args: {args}, kwargs: {kwargs}")
[docs] def annotate_trace(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: print(f"Annotating trace with args: {args}, kwargs: {kwargs}")
[docs] def end_trace(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: print(f"Ending trace with args: {args}, kwargs: {kwargs}")
[docs] def show(self) -> None: for entry in self.traces: print(entry)