swarmauri.core.agent_factories.IExportConf module

class swarmauri.core.agent_factories.IExportConf.IExportConf[source]

Bases: ABC

Interface for exporting configurations related to agent factories.

Implementing classes are expected to provide functionality for representing the factory’s configuration as a dictionary, JSON string, or exporting to a file.

abstract to_dict()[source]

Serializes the agent factory’s configuration to a dictionary.


A dictionary representation of the factory’s configuration.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

abstract to_file(file_path)[source]

Exports the agent factory’s configuration to a file in a suitable format.


file_path (str) – The path to the file where the configuration should be saved.

Return type:


abstract to_json()[source]

Serializes the agent factory’s configuration to a JSON string.


A JSON string representation of the factory’s configuration.

Return type:
