swarmauri.core.experiment_stores.IExperimentStore module

class swarmauri.core.experiment_stores.IExperimentStore.IExperimentStore[source]

Bases: ABC

Interface for an Experiment Store that manages experimental documents and supports operations related to experimenting, evaluating, testing, and benchmarking.

abstract add_experiment(experiment)[source]

Stores a single experiment in the experiment store.

Parameters: - experiment (IExperimentDocument): The experimental document to be stored.

Return type:


abstract add_experiments(experiments)[source]

Stores multiple experiments in the experiment store.

Parameters: - experiments (List[IExperimentDocument]): The list of experimental documents to be stored.

Return type:


abstract delete_experiment(experiment_id)[source]

Deletes an experimental document from the experiment store by its ID.

Parameters: - experiment_id (str): The unique identifier of the experimental document to be deleted.

Return type:


abstract get_all_experiments()[source]

Retrieves all experimental documents stored in the experiment store.

Returns: - List[IExperimentDocument]: A list of all experimental documents.

Return type:


abstract get_experiment(experiment_id)[source]

Retrieves an experimental document by its ID.

Parameters: - experiment_id (str): The unique identifier of the experiment.

Returns: - Union[IExperimentDocument, None]: The requested experimental document, or None if not found.

Return type:


abstract update_experiment(experiment_id, updated_experiment)[source]

Updates an experimental document in the experiment store.

Parameters: - experiment_id (str): The unique identifier of the experiment to update. - updated_experiment (IExperimentDocument): The updated experimental document.

Return type:
