swarmauri.core.vectors.IVectorProduct module

class swarmauri.core.vectors.IVectorProduct.IVectorProduct[source]

Bases: ABC

Interface for various vector products including dot product, cross product, and triple products (vector and scalar).

abstract cross_product(vector_a, vector_b)[source]

Calculate the cross product of two vectors.

Parameters: - vector_a (List[float]): The first vector. - vector_b (List[float]): The second vector.

Returns: - List[float]: The cross product as a new vector.

Return type:


abstract dot_product(vector_a, vector_b)[source]

Calculate the dot product of two vectors.

Parameters: - vector_a (List[float]): The first vector. - vector_b (List[float]): The second vector.

Returns: - float: The dot product of the two vectors.

Return type:


abstract scalar_triple_product(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c)[source]

Calculate the scalar triple product of three vectors.

Parameters: - vector_a (List[float]): The first vector. - vector_b (List[float]): The second vector. - vector_c (List[float]): The third vector.

Returns: - float: The scalar value result of the scalar triple product.

Return type:


abstract vector_triple_product(vector_a, vector_b, vector_c)[source]

Calculate the vector triple product of three vectors.

Parameters: - vector_a (List[float]): The first vector. - vector_b (List[float]): The second vector. - vector_c (List[float]): The third vector.

Returns: - List[float]: The result of the vector triple product as a new vector.

Return type:
